Nov 14, 2018

Hey everyone!
This is my second blog entry where I have been assigned to create a genre database for future reference by myself or group members!




The content of an epic/historical production can vary based on the situation, time period and people involved, yet most historical films utilized an unknown character as a lens to view to the historical event or figure present in the film. This use of plot and storyline can be seen in the Gladiator as the main character is a war general for the Roman Empire yet is used to view the role of Gladiators in the Roman Empire as the character was fictional and created solely of the use of such character in the film to act as a device, while developing an entertaining storyline for audiences to follow.


The techniques used for productions account for the perspective an audience may grasp from consuming such media, thus proper production techniques are crucial.

Most productions in the genre of epics/historical normally are formalist works which focus on the specific look and feel of a time period and location for the development of story and plot devices. Thus many productions institute artists for set design, editing, and acting. These attributes are important to portray a different time period from the perspective of a generally uneducated audience would rather need clique ideals of time and history to appropriately understanding and semantically connect with a production.


Productions featured as historical films uphold similar attributes which could assimilate the productions, thus productions feature various methods of marketing but normally based their marketing on the impact a historical event or person may have, emotional appeal, educational appeal, and story, all to appeal to audiences. The audience may include knowledgeable individual or general audiences as a production company hopes to appeal to for greater profit margins. Thus by attaining the attention of various people, the production may institute certain universal ideals and conventions to market to potential audiences.


Gladiator - Gladiator is a film which uses the adventure of a Roman army general who has high levels of authority but is sold a property to become a gladiator, this story acts as a lens to view a love story, family issues, social culture, and history relating to the individual characters, time period, and the location the movie was based on.

Schindler’s List - This film is based on a boss who notices he is losing a large amount of his Jewish workforce to the persecution of Jewish people in Poland during the Holocaust. This film utilizes the perspective of a concerned boss, to view the great social, economic, and ethical effects such atrocities have, specifically in concentration camps and in the Jewish ghettos.

Gone With the Wind



The Last Samurai

Brave Heart

Thanks for showing support!


Nov 13, 2018


Welcome to my blog! This blog is specifically curated for my AICE Media studies project, this is where I will be updating information about my project and how my team members work together at the task of completing this project. I cannot wait for us to begin work on this project, it seems to be an interesting encounter for creative inspiration and technical knowledge to be employed in the hopes of creating a meaningful and appropriate production.

